Business Booster Platform is an automated business management system that:- works 24/7- controls the execution of 100% of tasks- frees up to 60% of the time of the company owner and managers✔️CREATE AN AUTOMATED ORGANIZATION STRUCTURETransfer the entire organizational structure of the company to Tonnus, write down regular tasks for each position, assign responsible ones. You know at any time who and what in the company should perform, who is assigned what function. The entire organizational structure of the company is at your fingertips.✔️ASSIGN FUNCTIONS IN ONE CLICKIf an employee quit / went on vacation / fell ill, you can replace the person responsible for the function with one click and all tasks will be automatically distributed to another employee.✔️ IMPLEMENT AUTOMATED LEARNINGUpon first login, employees are trained on how to use the platform through short videos. For each position, you can develop regulations that employees must know and follow. Tonnus automatically sends tasks to employees for the study of regulations and conducts testing. And you can see on one screen who and what kind of training has passed.✔️100% TASKS UNDER CONTROLYou no longer need to remind employees to complete tasks. The driver, a specially trained member of the Tonnus team, will do it for you. The driver will contact each employee and remind them of the task (in Russian or English, depending on the tariff). Not a single task will be left unattended by the driver, you can be sure that if you set a task in Tonnus, it will be completed.✔️INCREASE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH METRICSFor each employee in the company, you can set metrics that will show how effectively the employee copes with his duties. All metrics are displayed on one screen and you can understand at any time who is working effectively and who is not.✔️MANAGE YOUR BUSINESS FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLDYou dont need to be physically at your companys office to manage the process. To run a business, you only need Tonnus. You can see at what stage each task is in progress, you can check the completion of any task using the evidence function, you communicate with the tasks team in Tonnus, and the driver controls the execution.The development of Tonnus is based on 14 years of experience in consulting projects in the field of implementing management tools and creating systemic companies.Install the Tonnus app right now to manage your company efficiently!